
 FiNaL Class
First of all I would like to say Thank you so much to my big boss Aj. Gob..
I am so happy in this class and I think my friends happy as well.
I impress that my big boss help me always ……
I am so glad that my big boss called me “DUTCH MILL “to say sth. In font of class, I am very exciting ….ei ei…. That makes me smile always when I remember….

The day I got a DUCTHMILL shirt……
 I am so happy coz everyone wants to take a photo with me ^^

I have many words to say but I …… 555+  

Finally, I would like to say again and again 

" I am impresses & LOVE in this course and MY big Boss :) "

 :: See you on next time my lovely class….:)

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